"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Luke 18:16

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Keeping Busy

Since the weather had been so nice right after Kohl was born we were able to be outside a lot - which helped make the transition of bringing a baby home much more fun and easy on Marissa and Kyle.

We took the kids bike riding to Kitsap Memorial State Park. Kyle was so cute on his little bike trying so hard to keep up with Marissa.

While the Hood Canal Bridge was closed we took their free bus which ran from Port Gamble to the foot ferry dock in Lofall. Paul's parents have been taking it since they live on the other side but work in Kitsap. So they went with us and showed us their temporary commute. The loved the bus ride. We took them mostly so we could all ride the foot ferry but they both said their favorite part was the bus.

On the foot ferry. It was quick but a beautiful view. Marissa was dancing in the wind - not sure what Kyle is doing :) Making faces at me apparently.

The sunset on the way back.

We had our friends Todd and Ashia and their 3 kids and Shay, Michael and kids over for a bonfire. Paul took the kids for a ride. He called it the Hillbilly Taxi.
Hannah, Hunter, Kyle
Taylor, Marissa
Paul's brother Tony came over to help him cut/split fire wood while Tonia (his wife) and I hung out with the kids. When they were done Tony took all the kids for a ride on my dad's tractor. Their son Vann is obsessed with tractors. I think "tractor" was one of his first words.

Last weekend Paul's parents had a garage sale so we went over their to hang out. Marissa sold lemonade.

Grandma Sue holding Kohl.

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