"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Luke 18:16

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Baby Chicks

I took the kids to Cenex last week to pick up chicken food and of course we had to look at all the baby chickens. They are so adorable, my heart melted and the kids started begging for them. What could I do? So we headed over to the Chimacum Cenex (because they had the breeds I really wanted) and bough 3 more chickens. They are so cute. Marissa is really great with them. Last year she was a little scared they would poop on her so she didn't hold them all that much but this year she doesn't care one bit. She holds them all day long. So far Marissa has named one Aunt Rosa (have no idea where that came from), one Lily, and they other is still nameless. They all lay big brown eggs - can't wait.
This time I got some Silver Laced Polish chicks - they should be fun to look at as they get a fountain type mohawk on their head later. Underneath is what they will look like! Hilarious! I made her a baby doll sling and now it has become a chicken carrier. They love being in there, they just snuggle right up and go to sleep. One chick in particular cries a lot and instantly stops when Marissa holds her.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! How fun for the kids. Wish we had room for chickens. I am still working on just getting a cat. So I think chickens will be a ways down the road :) We will just have to come visit yours!
