"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Luke 18:16

Thursday, May 7, 2009

On the Countdown!

Well I have two weeks left until my due date! We have still not decided on any names - Yikes! It's hard to decide when you don't know what you are having. But we love the surprise. I have been really trying to prepare things. House is ready, bags are packed, I have been cooking like crazy (I have now frozen about 15 meals so I don't have to cook much for a few weeks), and household and food items are well stocked. Now all I need to do is prepare myself for it!!! My only plan is to stay home as long as possible since I don't want any medications during my labor/birth I think staying comfortable at home is the best way. I am praying I will get to the hospital just before time to push and my doctors have already told me that I can most likely go home same day - which is so important to me. I feel like that is a good compromise since I really wanted a home birth. We can't wait to meet this baby!

5 months

6 months
7 months

8 months

Most Recent 371/2 weeks pregnant!


  1. You look great Gina! Can't wait to meet your new little one. Hopefully we will see you before he/she comes.

  2. We are so excited for you guys. Hope you are well and think of you often.

  3. Oh my! You could not be cuter! Seeing you makes me want to be pregnant :) We can not wait to meet the newest Michaud. Keep us posted! We will be praying for a safe, speedy (but not too speedy) delivery.
    Love Alicia
