"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Luke 18:16

Saturday, April 17, 2010

January 2010

Kohlton loves the animals. Anytime a cat walks in he giggles and smiles. He loves Isabella! Here he is with his arm around her. It was adorable. Such buddies.

Kohlton at 8 months

The kids at the park

Paul and Todd took the kids to the annual monster truck show at the Tacoma Dome while Ashia and I took the babies and went shoe shopping at the mall. The kids (and daddies) loved it.

Shay takes Marissa to AWANA (a fun christian gathering for kids) every Wednesday night. Marissa loves it and looks forward to it all week long. She has memorized more than 50 verses from her fun workbook. And she earns badges and jewels on her vest - she that really motivates her. Every week there is a dress up theme. This picture was from "crazy hair and silly socks" night.

This is her kimono Paul brought back from Japan. She wore it to AWANA for dressing up in different cultures night.

My parents took the kids and I, and Shay and her kids for a fun day up by Quilicene. First we went to our favorite restaurant in Quilicene for pancake breakfast. Then the kids played at the park across the street for awhile. After that we headed to a park and walked the trails to the waterfall.Then we went to Brinnon to hand out by the Dosewallips river. The kids rode their bikes all over. Of course they mainly rode through the huge puddles.

Marissa learned to ride her bike with NO training wheels. She has been scared to for the last couple years but just decided one day to try it and it was super easy for her. I took the kids to Kitsap Memorial park to ride around. Cold but that certainly doesn't stop them from having fun!

Kyle is still doing soccer and loves it! He talks about it all week. Most mornings he is slow to get his teeth brushed and dressed but on Saturday mornings (when soccer is) he is dressed in his uniform and ready to go the minute he wakes up.

This is Marissa in a "for fun" soccer game. Not sure it was really her "thing". She is such a little ballerina that she was usually skipping and leaping down the field. But still fun and great exercise.
Grandpa Paul did soccer class with Kyle one day
Click on this for a soccer practice video

I took Marissa to a 4 week sewing class for homeschoolers. She really enjoyed it, as did I.
Here is the first project she learned. Pajama pants.

Here is the second project she made all by herself. A heart shaped pillow.

Here is the last projects we did. I made Kyle a fleece robe (a bit big) and Marissa and I sewed the fluffy white shawl together. And I made her the skirt during class as well.

Swimming Lessons. Marissa still doing semi-private lessons. Getting much better but still very reserved in the water.
Kyle and Hunter loved to play during lessons.

New Years

We spent New Years Eve with our friend Robb and Jessica and Tony and Tonia. We had a really good time and all the kids played really well. Robb and Jessica have two beautful girls that Marissa adores and cousin Vann and Kyle had a blast together. We ate dinner, played games and laughed a lot. We enjoyed a few rounds of "Catch Phrase" and type of charades game. Robb could pretty much guess the answer before anyone even did anything!

New Years day/night was spent at Paul and Sue's house. Had a blast playing "Catch Phrase" again with the fam. I have never witnessed such a funny and somewhat strange game of charades. Between Grandpa Paul not being able to say more than one word for each thing and Tony being completely silent and using just gestures, they did pretty darn good and it was amusing to watch!

We were so glad Aunt Karen, Dee Dee and Joe came!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Christmas Morning

We hosted Christmas morning at our house with Paul's side of the family. Unfortunately, I was not feeling well but the kids woke up so excited. They ran downstairs and found full stockings, and Marissa had a big doll waiting for her and Kyle had a hot wheels race track. They were really excited because there was a good coating of frost out and they thought it had snowed.

Isabella ripped open her new dog bed just enough to lay in it! She loves to open presents.

Tonia and her sister Chelsea

Grandpa put a santa hat on Kohlton
The birthday cake the kids and I made for Jesus! And yes, we made everyone sing Happy Birthday Jesus with us :)
Vann opening his new couch/bed
The boys crowded around to check out the RC boat I got Paul

Paul racing his new boat in our pond

This is what daddy got the kids, a pedal car. Kyle calls it his go-cart

Our yearly staircase family portrait

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Christmas Eve 2009 - Our last Christmas with Papa

This past Christmas Eve was very different for us. It was the first Christmas Eve that Papa didn't feel up to hosting. I think it was the first time in my whole life that I didn't spend it at his house. So we had it at mom and dad's house and rather than going to the candlelight service at church we went to see Papa and take him his presents and some dinner.

Papa opening his yearly calendar we make for him. He loved it!

Now back to Mom and Dada's for presents...

Grandpa and his girls!

Marissa so excited to get a watch from Grandma and Grandpa

Uncle Bob brought his new puppies over. Alvin and Duke the "party crashers" my dad named them. The kids went crazy over them.

Below is a video of the family band :) Led by Grandpa

Silent Night