"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Luke 18:16

Monday, June 22, 2009

Seven Sisters Beach

We went over to Seven Sisters beach which is across the Hood Canal bridge. It is a neat inlet and spit so the water is pretty warm and shallow. Shay and her kids came and so did my parents.
It was the first day the bridge reopened and we got stuck on it so a crane could go through.
Kyle, Ruby, Grandpa Steve, Teddy Bear, Marissa

Even our dog Isabella loves to swim.

Taylor, Kyle, & Marissa running down the beach

My dad found a neat log and pushed Marissa around on it. They found her an ore and she paddled and rode it all the way back down the beach. She loved it!

Beaches work great to put kids to bed early! They love to sleep together.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Keeping Busy

Since the weather had been so nice right after Kohl was born we were able to be outside a lot - which helped make the transition of bringing a baby home much more fun and easy on Marissa and Kyle.

We took the kids bike riding to Kitsap Memorial State Park. Kyle was so cute on his little bike trying so hard to keep up with Marissa.

While the Hood Canal Bridge was closed we took their free bus which ran from Port Gamble to the foot ferry dock in Lofall. Paul's parents have been taking it since they live on the other side but work in Kitsap. So they went with us and showed us their temporary commute. The loved the bus ride. We took them mostly so we could all ride the foot ferry but they both said their favorite part was the bus.

On the foot ferry. It was quick but a beautiful view. Marissa was dancing in the wind - not sure what Kyle is doing :) Making faces at me apparently.

The sunset on the way back.

We had our friends Todd and Ashia and their 3 kids and Shay, Michael and kids over for a bonfire. Paul took the kids for a ride. He called it the Hillbilly Taxi.
Hannah, Hunter, Kyle
Taylor, Marissa
Paul's brother Tony came over to help him cut/split fire wood while Tonia (his wife) and I hung out with the kids. When they were done Tony took all the kids for a ride on my dad's tractor. Their son Vann is obsessed with tractors. I think "tractor" was one of his first words.

Last weekend Paul's parents had a garage sale so we went over their to hang out. Marissa sold lemonade.

Grandma Sue holding Kohl.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Great-Grandpa and Grandma's

Here is my maternal grandfather "Papa" holding his 5th great-grandchild Kohlton. Papa is 84 - almost 85 years old now. Papa has always talked so highly of Marissa. He always says.."She's my sweatheart" and they love to dance together in his living room. He says that Kyle is going to be "One good lookin' dude" - I think it is so cute. This was the first time he met Kohl and held him. I wish so much my grandma Coralea could be here to see all these great-grandchildren.

Here is my mom holding him too. Is she really old enough to have 5 grand kids??? :) You are so beautiful mom!

I thought this was a cute picture of Grandma Sue and Marissa. She is always telling some cute story to Marissa.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Babywearing at one week

I have been wearing Kohlton everywhere. I started using the different carriers I make to be sure he gets used to it early. He loves it already! In the evening if he if fussy I just put him in the wrap or sling and he calmes right down and usually goes right to sleep. I love watering the gardens in the evening and he just hangs out with me. It helps me get more done around the house to have my hands free and I am still bonding and holding him as much as possible. Pretty much the only time I lay him down is for naps or if I need to help the kids with something. For more information about "babywearing" and why you should do it check out this website http://www.askdrsears.com/html/5/t051100.asp.

I made all of these carriers (slings and wraps).

At the farmers market in Poulsbo

Marissa walks around with her doll in her sling too

Kohlton sleeping soundly in the sling. What baby wouldn't want to sleep like this against their mommy?

On the foot ferry while the Hood Canal Bridge was closed - yes he is in there, just can't see him

Walking at Fish Park in Poulsbo

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pictures of Kohlton Steven

Here are some pictures of Kohl at 1 week of age

Kyle loves to hold him. He is so sweet with him.

Here is a video of Marissa holding Kohl. She "surprised" us by getting Kohl from the upstairs bedroom and carried him down the stairs to us. My heart about stopped and my stomach turned and I calmly explained to Marissa that was too dangerous and not to carry him. But the video was cute because she was proud that she "helped" us out :)