"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Luke 18:16

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
What an amazing, holy day! I kept trying to remind myself and the kids throughout all the candy and playing what Easter is really about. That Jesus defeated death all for the sake of saving our souls. And without Him we wouldn't get to go to heaven and be with Him and our loved ones after we die. How sad life would be if it was only this short one here on Earth. We should be thankful everyday of the year that Jesus saved us and by believing and receiving his sacrifice we can all be live eternally in Paradise! There is nothing more important to us than to teach this to our children and that living their life with Jesus is more full filling than anything the "world" can offer.

We got the kids some gardening tools because they love to play out in my gardens.

We were so glad that so much of our family came to church with us on Easter. After church we (Paul's parents, Mom and Dad, Shay's family, Michael's sisters' family, Uncle Bob, Elizabeth and Sandra) all headed to Shay's house for great food. The kids all ran around like crazy - having so much fun together. They dyed more egg and then had an egg hunt in the rain - not that the kids cared one bit. It was super fun!

Judah, Ruby, Taylor, Luke, Marissa, Elly (Kyle missing)

Ruby and Marissa is their Easter dresses from Uncle Bob

Mariss and Kyle

Egg Hunt at Shay's (Marissa and Kyle)

Marissa, Taylor and Kyle

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