"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Luke 18:16

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yummy Yogurt

I love making my own yogurt. It is so cheap, easy, and delicious. Since my kids eat so much of it, it really pays off to make my own. Here is the recipe...
1/2 gallon organic whole milk
6 Tbsp. plain "live active" yogurt (3 Tbsp. for every 4 cups of milk)
1/2 cup nonfat dry/powdered milk - this helps it thicken
1/2 cup sugar
3-4 tsp pure vanilla (not imitation!)
You also need: a thermometer & heating pad
Put plain yogurt starter out at room temperature. Pour milk into pot. Stir in sugar. Heat, stirring frequently, until milk is 180-185 degrees and very frothy (just before boiling).
Remover from heat and let cool to 110 degrees. Once cool, stir in your powdered milk, yogurt starter, and vanilla. Cover. (Note: if you bought a large size plain yogurt starter like I did - you can measure it all out and freeze it for next yogurt batch.)
I put a plastic cutting board down and then my heating pad on it. The pot on the heating pad and cover with a couple towels to keep heat in. I have to put my pad on high to keep yogurt at 110 degrees - you may need to adjust yours.
Keep it at 110 degrees for 7-11 hours depending on how thick you want it. I like mine real thick so I usually leave it out for 10 hours (the longer you incubate it the thicker it gets). If it didn't get thick then it probably didn't cook or incubate right or at the right temp. Should get real thick.

Pour into containers and refrigerate. I always save my large size store bought yogurt tubs and reuse them. It fills two of them.

That's it! You can also flavor it with an all natural fruit syrup, jam, honey, or we like to mix in fresh fruit (strawberries, blueberries, or grapes cut in halves) and granola. Cascadian Farms Oats and Honey granola is awesome (it's sold at Walmart or Central Market).

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